Suite 3, Level 1
196 Lords Place
Orange NSW 2800

What is GLA:D Australia?
GLA:D®, Good Life with osteoArthritis: Denmark, is an education and exercise program developed by researchers in Denmark for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis symptoms.
GLA:D® has been shown to help people with mild, moderate and severe osteoarthritis, and people over the age of 40 who have symptoms of osteoarthritis. The factors that improve include pain, mobility and quality of life.
Research from the GLA:D® program in Australia shows an average pain reduction of 36%, reduced analgesic consumption, reduction in perceived need for surgery, and clinically meaningful improvement in joint confidence.
Education and exercises provided can be applied to everyday activities, ensuring participants develop skills to self-manage their osteoarthritis. By strengthening and improving confidence with exercise, participants develop better capacity to become or stay active, prevent symptom progression and reduce pain.
For more information on please visit their website https://gladaustralia.com.au/
GLA:D® at Pinnacle
We're so excited to be the first clinic in the central west to provide this research based program to help people with osteoarthritis!
The program involves 12 exercise sessions over 6weeks and 2 education sessions. Each session takes 60minutes.
$45 per class, claimable under private health insurance code 560 (please call your fund to find out if you are covered and the rebate you are eligible for).
Doctors referrals are welcomed but not a requirement to participate in GLA:D®.
If you would like to participate please call our receptionist on 6362 6222 to see when the next session will be commencing.