Suite 3, Level 1
196 Lords Place
Orange NSW 2800

Paediatric Physiotherapy
Children experience many changes to their musculoskeletal and neurological systems as they grow and develop. Our paediatric physiotherapists look after the specific needs of infants and children in relation to their physical development. All children are individually assessed (see below for the Standardised Assessments we can complete at our clinic), and intervention may range anywhere from reassurance and advice, to play-based therapy programs.
Our physiotherapists working in paediatrics can help with a range of conditions and we are an NDIS registered practice.
Delayed developmental milestones
Not sitting by 9 months
Not crawling by 12 months
Not walking by 18 months
Plagiocephaly or brachycephaly (flattened side or back of head)
Torticollis (neck stiffness or head side preference)
Positional talipes (altered foot and ankle position)
Baby not tolerating tummy time
Babies or children with low muscle tone or hypermobility
Injuries such as sprains or fractures
Growing pains
Coordination difficulties
Aches and pains with activity or rest
Toe walking
Problems with leg or foot posture
Physiotherapy can help with the physical and functional deficits
associated with;
Neurological disorders eg. Muscular Dystrophy
Neuromuscular disorders eg. Cerebral Palsy
Congenital disorders eg. Spina Bifida
Genetic disorders eg. Down Syndrome
Neurodevelopmental disorders eg. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Developmental delay
Paediatric Incontinence
We work closely with GP’s and specialist doctors to provide evidence-based management for;
Daytime urinary incontinence
Constipation and soiling
Standardised Assessments
These assessments allow us to determine where your child's motor development is in comparison to what would be considered normal for their age and identify any areas of concern. After a period of therapy we can use these assessments to check if there has been an improvement in your child's function.
Children aged 4- 21 years
Gross motor assessment (coordination, balance, running speed and agility, and strength)
Fine motor assessment (fine motor precision, fine motor integration, manual dexterity, and upper limb coordination)
Birth to 5 years old
Assesses motor development and skill in 6 main areas - reflexes, stationary control, locomotion (movement from one place to another), object manipulation, grasping, and visual-motor integration.
During both the BOT-2 and PDMS-2 assessments the physiotherapist will engage the child in various gross motor and fine motor movements and tasks depending on their age to gain a comprehensive understanding of their motor development.
Assessment of an infant’s motor development from term (40 weeks) to the age of independent walking.
It is based an infant’s development through their motor milestones in four positions: prone (tummy), supine (back), sitting and standing.
It enables us to determine if an infant is demonstrating atypical or immature movement patterns and to monitor their progress with/without intervention.
The AIMS assessment involves observing the infant move in a relaxed and comfortable environment with minimal handling throughout the four positions above. Parents are welcome to stay close and the therapist is guided by the infant’s cues.

Further Information
Australian Physiotherapy Association
If you'd like any further information on any of the conditions listed below please click here to visit the Australian Physiotherapy Association website
Developmental co-ordination disorder
Developmental dysplasia of the hip
Gait assessment in older children
Gross motor development
Idiopathic toe walking
Infant head shape
Infants feet
Paediatric neurological conditions
Continence Foundation
Please click here to visit the continence foundation website for more information on incontinence in children.
For teens dealing with incontinence
Our Paediatric Physios
Holly Todman
Emily O'Neil
Kate Murphy