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Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy


At The Pinnacle Physiotherapy Clinic our musculoskeletal Physiotherapists

see patients with a wide variety of conditions such as;


  • Neck pain (disc, facet joint, muscular)

  • Back pain (disc, facet joint, muscular)

  • Thoracic spine, sternum and rib pain

  • Neural pain (e.g. sciatica)

  • Pelvic girdle pain (SIJ, coccyx, pubic symphysis)

  • Knee pain (patellofemoral, meniscal tear, shin splints, compartment syndrome)

  • Hip/groin pain (femoroacetabular impingement, labral tear, adductor tear, sports hernia)

  • Hand & wrist (De Quervains tenosynovitis, carpel tunnel syndrome) 

  • Foot and ankle (plantar fasciitis, ligament sprains, Morton's neuroma)

  • Bursistis (trochanteric, retrocalcaneal, subacromial)

  • Tendonopathies (patella, lateral/medial epicondyle - tennis/golfer's elbow, achilles)

  • Overuse injuries (RSI)

  • Shoulder pain (AC joint, impingement, rotator cuff)

  • Pain and dysfunction associated with osteoarthritis

  • Pre and post operative management (spinal surgery, joint replacement surgery - knee, hip & shoulder, ACL/PCL reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, arthroscopy)

  • Post fracture rehabilitation




Our therapists will combine information you provide relating to your condition together with findings during your assessment to develop a diagnosis.




Our treatment approach is evidence based and individualised. We aim to rehabilitate through correction of joint stiffness, poor posture, muscle imbalance and non optimal movement patterns. Depending on your condition may include a combination of the following


  • Evidence based manual therapy such as joint mobilisations, muscle energy techniques and massage

  • Techniques to facilitate healing and restoration of normal movement and muscle function such as taping and dry needling

  • Use of real time ultrasound to help clients view their muscles and learn how to activate them.

  • Prescription of individualised exercise to rehabilitate your injury and address any strength, flexibility or movement dysfunction problems which may lead to injury recurrence. 

  • Education to ensure you understand the nature of your injury/condition, management options and the best way to prevent recurrence. 






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