Suite 3, Level 1
196 Lords Place
Orange NSW 2800

SRC Pregnancy and Recovery Support Garments
We happily stock SRC support garments (shorts, minis and leggings) which are designed to provide support and symptoms relief both in pregnancy and after you've had your baby. If you would like some more information on how they could help you please click on the SRC logo below to visit their website.
A few notes on SRC recovery garments
SRC recovery garments are designed to be worn as soon as possible after you have had your baby so put them in your bag to take with you to hospital.
SRC recommends that you be measured for recovery shorts after 36 weeks gestation.
Have somebody measure you to ensure that you get the correct size (don't try to measure yourself).
If you are confident of your size, simply come into the clinic during opening hours and our reception staff can assist you.
If you need help being measured please give us a call on 6362 6222 and our receptionist will arrange for you to pop in at a time when one of our Physios can measure you.
We aim to keep all sizes in stock but if we run out of your size we can order it in for you. ​
SRC garments are classed as Medical Compression Garments (ARTG listed - 188014) and therefore you may be eligible for a rebate under your private health insurance. Please call your individual health fund to see if you are eligible.
For all prices please click here to visit the SRC website